Sugguh buhsan mlm ini.. Both of my ousmate xde..
Amy still @ Kuantan n Intan balik Rawang kot..
I hate to be alone at weekend..Sungguh lonely..
N mmbuat kn saye byk bepk bile dok sorang2..
Thinking bout my life.. my future..
Ble tgk date@daisypath kt sebelah tepi neh..
make me more scarry n srabut.. sbb date tu la penentu sgalanye..
another 1month 1week n 4days..
xlama lg je..wat will happen when the times come?
kalu xde pape jd.. betul ke saye akan wat mcm yg dh saye janji kn..
kuat sgt ke ht ku ini?? mcm xsanggup..huhuhu
tp kalu jd plak mcmana? am i ready for it?? sungguh la jugak x..
of coz am hepy kalu pas2 telampau byk untuk di pk kn lg..
lebih complicated..n its for seumur hidup..
pastu ape jwapan saye sbnarnye...??
Tinggal kn sume ni n buka buku baru??
Aaaarghhh Sungguh Complicated!!!!
I want to make my life easy.. tp saye xmmpu..
I want to find sumthing new.. tp xmmpu gak..dlm erti kate len.. bleh ke?? or ade ke??
huhuhuhu sungguh sedih ok..
At the moment ht ku sungguh tawar..
trase telampau penat n letih..teramat sgt..
but still am heppy for some other things..but its just for temporary..
kalu la bleh truskan ke'heppy'an itew..
Owhh tidak..berangan jelah.. mmg xmungkin dpt..!! Adoii..
bermisteri2 plak kamu nh...
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